Special thanks to yiggs for the heads up! A user on nico video has uploaded a direct feed version of the Tekken 6 arcade intro! With Tekken 6 now officially out in Japan, it’ll be only a matter of time before we get more and more direct feed videos! Be on the lookout for more updates… Click below to view the Tekken 6 arcade intro sequence!

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25 Responses to TEKKEN 6 ARCADE INTRO!

  1. Ayos Mishima says:

    Great updates!! Keep them coming

  2. fast_handsCODY says:

    Kazuya sporting that bullet proof vest

  3. Vambrace222 says:

    I was talking to a fellow class mate about Tekken in the game design class I’m taking today. He said that Tekken was a “crappy” game. I really am not seeing wha the was talking about.

  4. Staude says:

    Kazuya is the grand master of everything >:]

    Looks like the final boss who is also seen in action in another news topic is some sort of egyptian god. Nice Nice
    The story of tekken is the best of a fighter ever :p

  5. raf vansaet says:

    graet cooool yes yes i like it tekken6 is end the fanil bosss is huge most of all azazel i kan wait to play with tekken6 hoe nows tekken6 fanil date 2008 frist kwart or second kwart i hope next jaar 2008 frist kwart this is the best tekken ever

  6. Tenshimitsu says:

    Ehm… am I only one who thinks it’s crap? ^^”””

  7. MarkMan says:

    Usually the arcade intros are much shorter than the ones most ppl are used to seeing on the console releases.

    The Tekken 5 intro was ‘alright’ but when they added the extra minute and a half of stuff it became WOW….

    So yea, I’m looking forward to the Tekken 6 PS3 intro sequence… Namco FMV/CG does not fail…

  8. harshakazama says:

    Awesome into dudes, cant wait for the PS3 release

  9. Janrix11 says:

    WOW!!! finally a clear version of the intro! (Tears)
    too bad our country will probobly have T6 on late 2009?!?! NNNOOOOO!! (Areal Shot)

  10. Janrix11 says:

    I wish that the Tekken Movie is for real.. they did a good job about making a CG movie to the other games and im sure that Namco will do better.. but if ever.. what story line will the movie follow?

  11. Janrix11 says:

    I cant wait for Tekken 8

  12. stan says:

    when does tekken 6 comes out in us

  13. Vambrace222 says:

    Yeah , I think you’re the only one.

  14. Hwoa says:

    thanks ^^ its great

  15. […] TEKKEN 6 ARCADE INTRO! [image] Special thanks to yiggs for the heads up! A user on nico video has uploaded a direct feed version of the Tekken […] […]

  16. Janrix11 says:

    Mr. Markman how come you speak our language? lol or are you one of us? lol.

  17. stan says:

    this tells nothing

  18. stan says:

    show law in gold

  19. stan says:

    mark man can you get law fights’

  20. J says:

    lol, I like how Kazuya has to be the only one insane enough to actually jump out of a helicopter from that high up…

    Jin’s flag is pretty sweet.

  21. erolosty says:

    some cool tekken 6 vids (mostly asuka)

  22. Tekken6 fan 1# says:

    Man Tekken 6 need to come out in norway but i think in 2008 will tekken 6 comes out to the world all country !!^^ i hope we can play with ogre , or Azazel !! or Kunimitsu ! ;)

  23. Janrix11 says:

    Way out of topic.. but….what kind of a martial art does Gon,Kuma,Roger use? To Tekken SD: i hope this site will continue to exist until the last and final installation of the Tekken Series…Thanks for the infos and videos.. and thanks Tekken Zaibatsu for the main source.. BTW…..How can king and Marduk understand each other while king only knows how to growl?

  24. Janrix11 says:

    And lastly… did Hwoarang’s voice actor changed? or is it just me?

  25. joebo says:

    honestly, this intro is graphically and anatomically underpar. they need some more research or new people. dont get me wrong, i love tekken, but again, graphically, it is already letdown to me, especially in comparison to new Soul Calibre coming out.

    note.. i did say Graphically… not gameplay or story..

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