Street Fighter IV Boxart Revealed

Capcom-Unity has revealed the boxart for Street Fighter IV for both the US and UK versions.  The US version features Chun-Li on the front while the UK version features Ryu.  Check the jump for an image of each.   The game will be available for both the PS3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles early next year.

Source: Capcom-Unity

18 Responses to Street Fighter IV Boxart Revealed

  1. Kikimaru says:

    What? No fair! Why must I be stuck with Ryu?

  2. tekkenlover says:

    i like the uk version much better

  3. KENTOIRC says:


  4. tenkaix says:

    Ryu looks retarded in that pic, Chun-Li for sure.

  5. tekkenlover says:

    the good thing is we know that streetfughter for is coming out feb first 2009 this should definately keep us busy untill whenever namco decide to release tekken 6 into ps3 just to make sure about one thing is that saget is the king of street fighter

  6. Shaun says:

    It should’ve been Chun-Li Cover for ASIA versions, Ryu Cover for JAPAN versions, and KEN Cover for USA versions.

  7. tekkenlover says:

    i wish they for USA they had saget for cover

  8. Treehugger says:

    Totally agree.

  9. MYK says:

    wth.. why is it in the Ryu’s pick, Chun-li is fighting Ken? In the intro she’s fighting C.Viper…

    either way
    I approve of the Chun-Li one.. but again.. Ryu’s the poster-boy so can’t say..

  10. DJcore says:

    I don’t care too much about the box art, I just want the game just like I want T6 to come out for the PS3 asap.

  11. JDevil says:

    It’s rubbish, but I found these Here

  12. Mastachi says:

    But the best thing is that Gouken is in!!!

  13. tekkenlover says:

    i agree with Mastachi but damn it why all the good fighting games have to come out next year

  14. Ryu’s looking pretty hideous in artwork!

  15. tekkenlover says:

    hey guys gouken vs able vedio gameplay see gouken in action for the first time but some of his moves are pretty punishible after he lands

  16. tekkenlover says:

    I AM SORRY LET ME CORRECT the adress above
    see go gouken in action

  17. Muckamuck says:

    So these really were the final boxart pieces. I still think they look a bit off.

    Like it’s been said before: Goatse Hadouken.

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