SD TEKKEN Interview: Matador

Next up for our interview feature… Matador!  In Tekken 5: DR, Matador destroyed the competition with his fierce Ganryu and in Tekken 6 he has switched to another ‘big’ character in Bob!  As a former SBO champion and a Tekken legend in Japan, we had a chance to pick his brain about his thoughts on rivalry and the newest installment of the series… click below for the full interview!

Matador (Ganryu) vs Moudameda (Wang)

SD TEKKEN: Thank you for your time, can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Matador: My ring name is “Matador” and my main character Bob?!  I use Lei, who I think is pretty good… and I also use Jin.  Jin doesn’t fit my idea of how Jin should be, but he’s still a good character.

SDT: What is the first fighting game you played?

Matador: Street Fighter Zero (Alpha) 2.

SDT: It’s been ayear since Tekken 6 hit the arcades, but how do you feel about the game?

Matador: It is fun to use the characters, but that feeling is overshadowed by the lousy feeling you experience when losing… It’s difficult to play better than others and it seems like lucky people will tend to do better…

SDT: How well does Tekken 6 hold up when compared to Tekken 5.1 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection?

Matador:I think it is too easy to lose in Tekken 6.

SDT: When did you first start playing Tekken?

Matador: I started playing when Tekken 3 came out on home consoles and then Tekken Tag Tournament in the arcades.

SDT: About how much Tekken do you play on a daily basis?

Matador: Anywhere between 1 to 5 hours…

SDT: Do you play any fighting games other than Tekken?

Matador: Once in a while.

Takeyama (Ganryu) vs Matador (Ganryu)

SDT: Who do you consider to be the best player in the Tekken community?  Why?

Matador: Taizo. He’s pretty solid and he thinks about the game

SDT: What’s your take on tournaments held outside of Japan?  Would you like to enter, if given the opportunity?

Matador: The best part about international tournaments is that people from many countries participate… I’d like to play if I had the chance, since it is fun meeting new people.

SDT: Have you run into any trouble while playing Tekken?

Matador: I met Mainstreet Ryu.

SDT: Please tell us who your rivals in Tekken are, and why?

Matador: Taizo.  We’ve both been playing Tekken together for awhile now… and our thinking game resonates well with each other.  Takeyama is another rival of mine.  For some reason his thought process and the way he moves his characters is similar to my own tastes, so our characters end up being the same!  Also you can easily see from how he plays, that he really thinks about the game.  His mixups and playstyle are so similar to mine that it’s kind of annoying!

SDT: Thank you for your time Matador!

Special thanks goes to Arus and Ranca for making all the interviews possible!  Another big thanks to Masakun for the translation!

Please tune in next time, as we interview Takeyama!

Original interview can be viewed below:
















12 Responses to SD TEKKEN Interview: Matador

  1. tekkenlover says:

    great interview

  2. jin says:

    another guy thinks taizo is the best!! last time i checked taizo was getting raped by mainstreetryu2nd but tat was like ages ago, n i’m sure taizo got better now, btw taizo’s main guy is feng right??

  3. gogo says:

    why dont they interview msr(mainstreet ryu)?…he`s also one of the best players of japan.?

  4. undeadewok says:

    whats the relationship between mainstreet ryu and Nidoniee(sp) mainstreet ryu the 2nd…?

  5. MarkMan says:

    Mainstreet Ryu no longer plays seriously.

    2nd generation MS Ryu is his protege, he started playing Tekken right before T5DR came out.

  6. tekkenlover says:

    taizo is good but the best player in the world is leedy with his kazuya, he is a true example of how kazuya players should play

  7. UndeadEwok says:

    yea taizo is good

    and tekkenlover, leedy is quite diabolical

  8. chemicalRed says:

    I agree with Matador; Tekken 6 looks easier to lose than any other Tekken. The bound system is enough, players dont need the rage system too. I think the rage system should be taken away. Or there should at least be an option to turn it off.

  9. UndeadEwok says:


    looking forward to today’s interview…

  10. Sky says:

    How can a game be easier to lose than another game? If some people are losing a lot, some must be winning a lot too. I think the game will have to be around longer before this guy gets as good as he was at tekken5 and DR.

  11. MsRyu 3rd says:

    Msryu 1 and 2nd is a beast. I don’t think anyone else out there can really move Hei and Kaz the way they do….JUST SICK. GO JAPS.!!

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