SD TEKKEN Interview: Takeyama

Our final interview is with the mighty Takeyama! In Tekken 5: DR, he was taking on the competition with Ganryu and now he’s doing the same in Tekken 6 with Bob.  He ends our week long special feature with his insight on the series… click below to check it out.

Takeyama (Bob) vs Mainstreet Ryu the 2nd (Kazuya)

SD TEKKEN: Thank you for your time, can you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Takeyama: My ring name is “Takeyama” and my main character is Bob.  Bob is pretty much a perfect character (except for his lack of a d+4); not using him would be tantamount to an insult to Namco.  I also use Jin, Devil Jin, Lei, and Ganryu.  Jin is one of the better characters of T6.  He’ll be perfect if he gets smoothed out.  Devil Jin is good but he is difficult to play well.  If you don’t use him every day, it’s too easy to forget how to use him.  Lei is fun and pretty good.  He’s a really well-done character.  I like Ganryu, but he is too poor.  I’ll wait for the next version.

SDT: What is the first fighting game you played?

Takeyama: Street Fighter series

SDT: It’s been a year since Tekken 6 hit the arcades, but how do you feel about the game?

Takeyama: It’s easy to lose to people who aren’t as good as you.  But I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing; part of the blame rests on myself.  For drawn-out battles, the better player will prevail, so I’m not bothered much by random losses.  Overall it’s a good game… But the combo damage is too high, and the rage system is unnecessary.  Either that, or if they made it so move properties would change under rage mode, then it might be more interesting.

SDT: How well does Tekken 6 hold up when compared to Tekken 5.1 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection?

Takeyama: I would rank them Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, then Tekken 6, then Tekken 5.1, then Tekken 5.0 last.  I look forward to version upgrades.

SDT: When did you start playing Tekken?

Takeyama: Console version of Tekken 1 (when I was in elementary school).  I really got into researching the game and playing good people when Tekken Tag came out (high school).

SDT: About how much Tekken do you play on a daily basis?

Takeyama: 2 to 6 hours.

Tetsuo (Lei) vs Takeyama (Ganryu)

SDT: Do you play any fighting games other than Tekken?

Takeyama: No. However, I play Beatmania IIDX almost as much as I do Tekken.

SDT: Who do you consider to be the best player in the Tekken community?  Why?

Takeyama: Mainstreet Ryu the 2nd.  Kazuya is the worst matchup for Bob… and Mainstreet Ryu the 2nd is the best Kazuya player.  I don’t think he’s too into the game right now, but as far as talent goes I think he is No. 1.  Most of all, he’s really young.

SDT: What’s your take on tournaments held outside of Japan?  Would you like to enter, if given the opportunity?

Takeyama: The players seem to cooperate and hype up the tournaments, which I think is really nice.  And I envy the prize money.  Of course I would like to enter.

SDT: Have you run into any trouble while playing Tekken?

Takeyama: I stayed home for a week when Tekken 4 came out on the PS2 and played 1700 matches (I rotated between people, and I played whenever I was awake).  When I had to research frame data for Tekken 5 due to work, I had to stay home for a month.  I gained 7 kg (~14 pounds) during that time…

SDT: Please tell us who your rivals in Tekken are, and why?

Takeyama: Matador and Taizo. Matador puts more strategy than anyone else into Tekken, and hates losing more than anyone else.  He’s also very research-oriented, and we share similar thought processes.  So the characters we use tend to overlap (laughs).  Taizo doesn’t have any innate talent for Tekken, but he kept on making incremental improvements to his game, and eventually became one of Japan’s top players, which I think is amazing… Also, he’s pretty stupid, so no matter what I really don’t want to lose to him (laughs).

SDT: Thank you for your time Takeyama!

Special thanks goes to Arus and Ranca for making all the interviews possible!  Another big thanks to Masakun for the translation!

Thank you to everyone for reading!

Original interview can be viewed below:

RN: タケヤマ
メインキャラ: ボブ




















10 Responses to SD TEKKEN Interview: Takeyama

  1. joliesburg says:

    I like this guy. He talks alot more than the others during interviews which is a good sign. :D

  2. Bone Breaker says:

    yes you are right

  3. tekkenlover says:

    cool, takeyama is a beast with his bob

  4. RoyalFlush says:

    Looks like Takeyama lightens up the crowd. He sounds like a really cool dude.

  5. KazamaStar says:

    Wow playing Tekken since elementary school, much longer than anyone else! Okay, hes my new fave pro player.

  6. Jonman says:

    Takeyama’s a great player that is marked by his simple and yet effective maneuvers. Practically most of the Bobs right now are based on his style. Technically, MSR2 is probably better than takeyama, but you can’t help but cheer takeyama on since he looks like a really friendly and care free dude.

  7. Bajii says:

    takeyama is a really fierce player. one of my favorites.. but yeah Bob’s lack of a d+4 is fine since his df+2 is insane.. Bob really needs a lil “tweaking”.. and thats what they did for tekken 6 BR…

    cheers. ^_^

  8. tekkenlover says:

    oh come on just little tweaking? they destroyed bob to the extent that i changed my mind to become a bob player if his df+2 was insane they could just decrease the range not to just make his df+2 to luanch on charge status just like steve because so many people have similar move such as paul lee leo beak, yoshi, king, law, and that is just not fair… and if his low juggle d+4 was cheap what about many other tekken fighters who have low moves that can turn to juggle anna, beak, bryan, jin (in t6 his low juggle got more damaging by ading new moves), miguel, zafina, lei, and most damaging low juggle is bryan that could be 55% to 60% damage and yet bob low d+4 that was followed by three kicks was around 46% damage . bob wont be one of the most use character in T6BR as he used to be in T6 so no cheers.

  9. tekkenlover says:

    yo markman T6 BR officialy starts on december… so are you gonna post new tekken 6 BR on early of december or late december?

  10. abe says:

    Wow……Bob is pretty much a perfect character aside from him missing d +4…..???!! Is he serious?? Perfectly broken is more like it. Then he complains about the damage? His opponents should be the ones complaining….with a broken character like Bob he’s obviously delusional. The only one dishing out absurd damage is his own character. I expected better from a “top” player.

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