New TTT2 Character Unveiled?

According to our friends at inatekken, the newest issue of Famitsu Magazine has a short feature on Tekken Tag Tournament 2 where they unveil a new character dubbed as “Jaycee” ! EDIT 12:42 AM – It is confirmed that “?” from the Christmas trailer is indeed “Jaycee” ! Thanks to The Lone Gamer’s tip, here are some pics of the article!

100 Responses to New TTT2 Character Unveiled?

  1. MarkMan says:


    Jay cee

    J C



    ;) ?

    • Tekkenlover says:

      jaycee??? markman you have no idea how happy you made me not only we get some returning characters from TTT1 but also a new characters thats freaking awsome, i am really curious about his fighting style.

      • XX3 says:


        I finally remember Deus Ex for the name JC Denton :P

        Hope that new character rocks!

    • VeNoM362 says:

      Hey YO, is sd and atp loading slower for anyone else? It takes nearly 30-45 seconds to load now. Nither site works well with the PS3 anymore. These are the only two web sites that are slow out of the blue.

      You know whats up MarkMan?

      Something to do with the new black background (seem to start around that time)?

      I’m just asking…

  2. Subt-L says:

    Jaycee like as j.c. As in Julia Chang.

  3. […] à SDTekken pour l’information. Share and […]

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by SDT, Victor Tjiong, Gabo-Yasha Y., Jaleel Beck and others. Jaleel Beck said: Welcome news for #Tekken Tag Tournament fans! […]

  5. chemicalRed says:

    Cool. Cant wait to see.

  6. Mundo says:

    John Cena?

    WWE crossover?

    Yeah, I can see that.

  7. bynight says:

    Namco has seriously gotta stop this, any more awesomeness and I might scream. I played the hell out of TTT back in the day and have it on my candy cab at home. I seriously can’t wait for this to come out and game with all you fellow Tekken peeps out there.

  8. ICEYOUCOLD says:

    They got rid of the bound system *FACEPALM*

  9. thelonegamer says:

    Famitsu Scans of TTT2 are up!!! Someone translate, fast!

    He’s baaaack… ^_^

  10. noodalls says:

    Katakana name says Jeishi-. So Jaycee or however you want to write it in your non-phonetic language.

    Can’t read small text.

  11. MocPac says:

    62? I wonder if that’s 62 characters. ;P

  12. […] to SDTekken for pointing us to the scanned images from the latest issue of Arcadia Magazine! Some verrry […]

  13. Islaw says:

    did i just saw Jinpachi Mishima? :))

  14. joe says:

    WTF? Jinpachi is also in the game??

  15. Wing says:

    Did they just simultaneously confirm both the new character as julia chang, AND reveal the return of Jinpachi?
    ma bwain hurts

  16. Wing says:

    plus, in the second scan, who is the person in the middle top? is that kunimitsu?

  17. Wing says:

    last thing, in the second to last scan in thelonegamer’s link, Lili’s guest starring in a psp game? xD

  18. Roncock says:

    The Jaycee CG is looking hawt. Wonder who the character above Law’s CG art is? Is that Yoshi?

  19. Daniel says:



  20. Kudo says:

    OMG Kunimitsu confirmed!!!!

  21. JL says:

    As far as i can see….harada isjust tricking us :P.
    he doesnt want us to tell who exactly she is.
    So fingers crossed.
    but once he showed the original Julia iwud b confirm that this girl is eitehr an Alter Ego of Julia or a new character..:D

  22. Wiggy-Clifton says:

    Kunimitsu ,really ? :D

  23. shika1983 says:

    Seems too much of a coincidence that the character is jaycee (J-C) aka Julia Chang? Was hoping it was Christie since the massive overlap with Eddy.

    Nice to see the return of Jinpachi but I hope he just has “normal” moves and keeps away from his “demon form”.

    Also noticed the person above Law in the pic but it isn’t clear enough for me to make out if it is Yoshi, Kuni or even a totally new character !!! Great find !!!

    • 鉄拳英会話 says:

      It’s a picture of Yoshimitsu. Actually it’s a picture of a figure of Yoshimitsu that is going to be made by Kotobukiya.

  24. coilover2005 says:

    In that pic of Jaycee on the bottom left hand corner she sure looks… Well she looks exactly like LEO does when Leo does that Oki move that smashes a grounded opponent, Hmmmmmm……..???

    If they’re related somehow and if this does happen to be Julia Chang… WTF. Ok stopping now. Too many interesting things I’m prolly WAY overlooking! =)

  25. […] The original Source for this information is SDTEKKEN. […]

  26. JL says:

    Markman…u sure it is Jaycee?
    Not Jesse?

  27. deebo says:

    awesome if Jinpanchi made it, im pretty sure the popular Jun Kazama will make it

    oh and thanks markman

  28. Tekkenlover says:



    Jaycee sounds pretty cool. Jinpachi is going to be godlike in this game. DF,222 all day lol

  30. Forest says:

    Let me end all of the speculation right now. On Avoiding the Puddle Episode #14 Featuring Harada-San, Michel Murray, and the other guy (lol), Aris asked the question about characters that will be making a return to Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Michel Murray said, “All of the characters that you can see on the character select screnn in Tekken 6 will be making a return to Tekken Tag Tournament 2.” This includes Julia Chang!!

  31. ICEYOUCOLD says:

    Amazing! Jinpachi wow…

  32. Ellijah Gaddy says:

    I don’t think that Jaycee is Julia Chang i think that it might be Julia’s relative because Julia and Michelle were really close freinds to King and Armor King so I think Jaycee is a new character. AND HARADA COMFIRMED TO ME THAT THAT IS MICHELLE CHANG HE SAID SHE WAS IN MICHIGAN WITH HER MOM ‘TIL SHE DIED AND NOW SHE IS LOOKING FOR JULIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Ellijah Gaddy says:

      I’M LYING

      • Tekkenlover says:

        @ellijah gaddy just cuz i like jnpachi you change your name to jinpachisux and say something and then change your name to something else, to answer your own stupid comment,every time there is something new you asshole are the first one to open your disgusting mouth and trash talk about it cuz your fucking sick, hay its not my fault if people are ignoring you, no one wants to be your friend , cuz you are mentally sick and probably die alone

  33. Ellijah Gaddy says:

    But Jinpachi is goin to be here and i know for sure that Jaycee is a new character

    • Tekkenlover says:

      @ellijak gaddy dude i swear god your the most annoying asshole….typing like me will get you no where u asshole, worthless crack head, u are still the same low life retard. u never change cuz your mentally sick

      • Ellijah Gaddy says:

        well you know what all these people are saying about tekken tag 2 im trying to protect yo tail sittin here trying to talk about someone woth an idea and you dumb asshole you need to think this could be julia because this game is non canonical so there is no timeline so dumbass what do you have to say for yo fucking self huh cough it up cause you know im right

      • Ellijah Gaddy says:

        and youre a dumb asshole because im only 12 and arent you a dumbass i will fuck you up

      • tekken says:

        who i geuss you got the message

  34. Keonte says:

    Cant wait to play this game. Hopefully namco can bring back everyone from T1 leading up to T6. Also please bring back the classic mini games like Tekken Force Tekken Bowl etc.

  35. NinjaBeam says:

    If Jinpachi still has his df2 i’ll be very surprised. They’ll definitely make it standard fddf+2

  36. VeNoM362 says:

    Jaycee huh?

    VeNoM362 is pretty sure thats code for Julia Chang.I’ll proably use Jaycee but Julia BETTER still be in the game,that’s one of VeNoM362’s girls.

    If for some dumb reason Julia is out, Michelle better be in the game with Julia’s move list at the very least.

    As for Jinpachi, thats cool as long as they balance him. Pretty sure he won’t like he was in TK5 and DR. If he is…that would be a giant pile of PANDA SHIT!!!

    If he is still final boss broken I’ll tell you what…

    He better not have a tag partner…or VeNoM362 will drop that motherfucker!!!

    I’m just saying…

    • Tekkenlover says:

      @VENOME it’s a tag team game of course he is going to have a partner and dont worry tekken is good at balancing the game some of his moves are normal just like other characters like 1,1 1,2 2,2 f, b+1 f+4 and… and his parry is similar to one of wang’s parry, his d/f2 is the best thing, but the most important thing is that he is easiest mishima to use out of all mishimas for pad players it’s not like this is MK game and midway is in charge of balancing this game, namco knows what they are doing trust me.

  37. mistmatch says:

    anyone else see jinpachi?

  38. NarooN says:

    Dunno why everyone is worried about Jinpachi being balanced. He’s clearly in his 100% human form and if he’s gonna be a normal character he’ll be balanced to hell and back. His DF+2 EWGF will most def. be changed to a normal f,N,d,df,f+2 like all the other Mishimas. Kuni is back apparently…wonder about Jun.

  39. personalit says:

    omg fo real is Jinpachi Mishima really confirmed?

    In that case I hope he at least have WGF, and as NarooN said earlier in the right Mishima-notations for it.Maybe even EWGF, why not? He is the oldest Mishima in the game now!

    • tekken says:

      i always used to thing that jinpachi was cheap but when you get to play with the boss its pretty cool

  40. AAK says:

    Desperately need a better quality scan

  41. ICEYOUCOLD says:

    Bound is gone :\

  42. Undead_Nemesis says:

    Above Law… Yoshi, is that you dude? :O

  43. Darve says:

    Why are people presuming that the *new* character is “J”ulia “C”hang?? If they are deemed a new character, they are not previously known to the series.

    Otherwise it would be like a pallet swap, akin to Christie and Eddy, even with slight move variations. Don’t be silly.

  44. Meeu says:

    hoooray for Jinpachi.

  45. JL says:

    made something that people may like…:)
    It could be Julia in many ways but there are still many differences too :s.

  46. noodalls says:

    Harada_TEKKEN Katsuhiro Harada
    Jaycee RT @touchdownbg: Can you tell us ジェイシー name in English?

  47. alistaire says:

    oh yeah!makes sense that its julia..she slams her opponents alot anyway..and the “feather” details on the mask just shows the native american side of it

  48. ryusta says:

    @鉄拳英会話: what issue of Famitsu magazine?

  49. Ellijah Gaddy says:

    man @tekkenlover im really sorry but you need to stop cursing at a thelve year old and if you do im done. if that was mean to you @tekkenlover im sorry about that 2

  50. Tekken *WOW* says:

    wouldnt it be funny if michelle came back from michigan because her mom died and she knows when julia finds out that her grandmas dead then she will be devestated SO PLEASE BRING MICHELLE BACK BECAUSE JULIA HAS CHANGED HER STYLE AND MICHELLE WILL BE A RELIEFE FROM JULIAS CHANGE

  51. TEKKEN TAG YEAH says:


  52. tekken says:

    thumbs up if tt2 will always be better than any tekken game(even the future ones)

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