CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6!

The all female mangaka group CLAMP has announced on their site, they will be designing special console exclusive costumes for the home release of TEKKEN 6.  You may remember the console exclusive costumes in Tekken 5 for PS2 by various Japanese artists…  The special costume is for Jin Kazama and is prominently featured in this week’s issue of Famitsu. More news when it comes! (Image courtesy of Famitsu)


83 Responses to CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6!

  1. MarkMan says:

    Let me be the first to post…

  2. MYK says:

    The same guys who made Geass???

    WOW I’M DOWN!! JIN in Zero’s outfit!!!

  3. SolRahlX says:

    So will it be different mangakas doing redesigns or will people from CLAMP be handling all of the redesigns?

  4. Blind Ghost says:

    hope PS3 gets the Best costumes.

    snce we got hussled out of character in SC II XBOX got SPAWN and we got HEIHAHI

  5. csxloser says:

    OMFG Jin as Zero!!!

  6. csxloser says:

    Lelouch vi Kazama :P

  7. MarkMan says:

    As far as the ‘surprise’ everyone is hyping up… please stop. It is NOTHING crazy. You guys are setting yourself up for lulz.

  8. […] SD Tekken has just posted a pic of Jin Kazama’s CLAMP-created outfit. Check it out here. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Where is my Tekken 6 PS3, Namco?Taking Apart the […]

  9. thelonegamer says:

    I wonder if the CLAMP costumes are also in pieces (top, bottom, gloves, footwear) which you can switch out or combine with other pieces, or will it be one single outfit you can’t change or modify? I wish it’s the latter…

  10. ZeroX says:

    w00t. Jin’s costume has Code-Geass written all over it. Now where’s Zero’s mask!? I hope they make a custom like Kallen’s clothes….Sweeeeet.

  11. Farhan says:

    I hope the extra costumes are for all the major characters in the game and not for just a few lame-ass characters ala T5

  12. Zooop says:


  13. […] CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6! [SD TEKKEN] […]

  14. […] CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6! [SD TEKKEN] […]

  15. Styv says:

    Nice… A bit awkward in a fight but nice…

  16. […] CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6! [SD TEKKEN] Tagged:clampcostumesfightingjapannamco bandaips3tekken 6 […]

  17. Gackt Camui | Krizalid says:

    I dunno if want. But looks good otherwise.

  18. […] CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6! [SD TEKKEN] […]

  19. Val says:

    Why only clamp? I hope they do it like T5, with different famous mangakas and hopefully all characters get a special mangaka designed outfit.

  20. […] CLAMP To Design Special Costume For TEKKEN 6! [SD TEKKEN] […]

  21. Shojo Manga Star says:

    Ergh, y’all only like CLAMP for Code Geass, a sorry piece of anime if I ever saw one.

    I hope the girls all get nice designs! And that the shoujo-ness goes with the men too. Yes, even with surly old fart Heihachi and the demons – now THAT’s hot! ^.~

  22. Pixel says:

    Jin looks inspired by Yue from CardCaptor Sakura to me. I hope they give Xiaoyu something similar to CardCaptor Sakura’s outfits. I’m sure Tomoyo can come up with something.

  23. Nando says:

    Never really cared for CLAMP’s art direction. I honestly believe it doesn’t fit for a fighting game.

    • Nando says:

      I’ll clarify: I mean that their direction is better suited for the women. I don’t like the majority of the male fighters having a shoujo look.

  24. chad90 says:

    is that custom is going to be in tekken 6 console version or just a pic ?

  25. Evil Mind says:

    That costume looks funny on Jin. Anyways they better give something sexy and cool on Nina and I hope they give Bob a fat clown outfit and make Christie look like Boa Handcock from One Piece

  26. Itagaki says:

    I HATE CLAMP!!! Why did the Tekken Project made that stupid choice??!!! I mean, CLAMP is overrated!!! There are lots of Japanese artists out there that are really talented…I even prefer many amateur artists over CLAMP!!! …& I think that Code-Geass would be a whole lot better if the original creator did not choose CLAMP as the character designer…
    Poor JIN! Oh well, whoever made that decision in the Tekken Project, he’s a genius!! CLAMP fanatics are everywhere…what a cheap strategy. Super mainstream fighting game…I’m GLAD, there was NO CLAMP virus in Soul Calibur IV!

  27. SolRahlX says:

    Well if they ever get Kentaro Miura or Keisuke Itagaki to do a character design I would probably be happy. Those guys design good fighters, so does Oh Great!, but some of his female designs are kind of out there. Those 3 guys aren’t afraid to actually make a character with muscles. Every other manga artist just draws stick figures.

  28. MarkMan says:

    Apparently Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) will be doing the costume design for Lars. I’ll try to get pics of it soon.

    • Blind Ghost says:

      so were going to have Jin look like Sasuke !?!? or orichimaru ???

      why dnt they get artists from awsome animes do the art work for tekken like the guy who does BLEACH, or the guy who DID BERSERK, or maye DEATH NOTE…..on second though scartch DEATH NOTE artist off i saw what he did to Castlevania Judgment.

      not very nice.

  29. KENTOIRC says:


  30. Blind Ghost says:

    LOL Dude i was thining the same thing man .

  31. SolRahlX says:

    A women’s mangaka group… For a series like Tekken they should have talked to

    Oh Great: Tenjou Tenge
    Kentaro Miura: Berserk
    Keisuki Itagaki: Grappler Baki

  32. Luz says:

    Eiichro Oda should do Kaz or Hei and design the way the Admerials dress

  33. Moto says:

    Wow im definitely psyched about that. Jin will look so bad ass!

  34. Zooop says:

    Again: UGH.

  35. undeadewok says:

    sweet eventual microtransactions based outfits my fav *sarcasm*

  36. insanekyo says:

    Would be pretty cool if they get the Death note artist. Can’t remember his name at the moment.

  37. […] …Wait. There IS more. Also, spotted on this week’s Famitsu: a glimpse of what will happen if the current leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu hires shoujo artists to do his apparel. […]

  38. Val says:

    They need an artist like Masamune Shirow or Tsukasa Jun. Their artwork is miles above the rest.

  39. ched90 says:

    is this mean that the console version is going to have more custom than the arcade version ????

  40. PhantomJ says:

    So many people don’t read the comments or even the main post thoroughly, it’s a shame.

  41. treehugger says:

    Oookay…. so wait these outfits exclusive 4 the ps3 or are they making differents 4 both systems… cuz a lot of the links are stating that this is on the ps3 but i don’t see xbox mentioned at all.

  42. wing says:

    the extra outfits are for both console systems.
    I am not sure about the PSP version.

  43. DK says:

    TEKKEN 6: Jin of the Rebellion

    There, I said it.

  44. Zero says:

    Unless there is something involving Lee it’s gay and irrelevent. It will be gay anyways. Did anyone really like those extra costumes? Furry Arm Jin, Slutty Asuka? Really!?

    • Zooop says:

      Blue Yoshimitsu was cool. The rest were ass.

    • Nando says:

      I liked the Asuka, it reminded of those gambler dealers from the older Japanese eras. If you ever watched Samurai Champloo, when Fuu was rolling the dice, it was the same outfit as Asuka’s.

      Not real function nor character attachment, but I thought it was cool.

    • Decimare says:

      Slutty or not, it was the best extra costume in the game, imho.

  45. MYK says:


  46. Cat says:

    Hey MarkMan,

    I have a couple of questions.

    Do you know anything about if there will be costumes exclusive to specific platforms? Such as if this Jin costume is solely for the PS3 version or not?

    Is CLAMP doing just this 1 costume for Jin or will there be more from them?

    • MarkMan says:

      I can’t comment on stuff that hasn’t been officially announced yet. Sorry.

      But it is my understanding that CLAMP is only doing one design, the one pictured.

      • Cat says:

        Hmm, interesting.

        Thanks for the second piece of info.

      • Blind Ghost says:

        Markman , Do you have any info on VF 5 R , for console release ??

        I seriously want that game. From the looks of things they almost rehauled the characters moves for more combo style fights.

        and that Jean character looks fucking badass.

  47. ched90 says:

    hey MARKMAN do u think namco will realse a demo for tekken 6 like SC4??

    • insanekyo says:

      lol I don’t think markman would know that but then again he seems to have many connections so if someone knew, it would be him i guess.

  48. Anonymouse says:

    Lolzzz!! Is that Jin??! He looks really CLAMPyyy in that drawing… :X
    CLAMP is so so so so so everywhere! What’s happening to Tekken???!!

  49. Blind Ghost says:



  50. If you ever want to read a reader’s feedback :) , I rate this post for 4/5. Detailed info, but I just have to go to that damn msn to find the missed parts. Thank you, anyway!
    p.s. Year One is already on the Internet and you can watch it for free.

  51. Sebastians says:

    Markman just clarified that to his understanding, CLAMP will be designing only ONE costume, namely Jin’s.
    So why on earth does it say COSTUMES (plural) in the article above?!

  52. […] has put up a gallery of the CLAMP Jin costume from the console version of TEKKEN 6.  Featuring more concept images and some of the CLAMP Jin […]

  53. Yuko'san says:

    […]I So Zafinas outfit Looks like yuko […]
    I so In love I love clamp(xxxHolic)

    ZAfina were my Favorite.

  54. Jin’s CLAMP Outfit looks really similar to a suit in CABAL Online.

  55. Evelyn says:

    good good his post deserves nothing :( hahaha just joking :P �nice post :P

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